As a mother I feel I am am pretty aware of my children's health. I am usually right about most diagnosis....well so for about a week Cali was complaining of a stomach ache. She would tell me about the pain then run off and play. I was assuming it was maybe time for a potty break, or maybe she had too much to eat, too little to eat, too much sugar, or maybe she had caught a little bug, which in my defence had been going around! For about 7 days she complained just once a day!. Well Thurs. Bubba and I dropped the kids off at Grandmas to do a 24 hour that started Fri morn. in the mountains. That night (Thurs) she started a fever and was really lethargic. Grammy took her to the ER. They told her that with Cali's symptoms that she prob had a Urinary tract Infection. So off she went home with her medication's. That night she still was sick! So Sat morn back she went to the ER, they did a ultrasound and found that she may need to have her appendix out. So they referred us to Primary Children's Hospital. Now at this time we were just finishing up our race and had not slept for "a few hours". We get a call to come to the hospital. I felt so bad because one I was not with her and two she had been telling me about this pain for a week!!!!! AHHHH ! So four hours later we find a ride to the hospital ( we had no car of our own in the mountains) and we found Cali she was not looking so good. Within an hour she was in surgery to have out her appendix! Only four years old!! Not very common. Surgeon comes in after all has gone well to tell us it had been ruptured for 2 days on a scale of 1-5 5 being fatal she was a 4! There was puss in her abdomen and the infection had gone to her Liver and need to be scraped off!! I could not believe it. My poor little girl! Oh I just love her! I promised I would never spank or yell at her again!
So after spending 5 days in the hospital she is a new girl! I have not spanked but the yelling ya well it has started. She is still 4 and thinks she is all that! HMMM! It has been two weeks! She is doing great.
So now I am thinking along with my already housekeeping, culinary, veterinary, landscaping and mechanic degrees I had better get my PHD! Cause I am clueless!
Calis friends brought her a get well package! She got these
glasses from them! The doctors got a kick out them
she wore them most of the day that day!

Cali is going home!
Miles and Cali walking to the play room

Calis Aunt Dawn Marie and Cousins had ballons and a bear delivered! That was so nice of them.

Our 1st day after surgery was not so chipper!