First of all sorry about the picture book above!
Posted by Bubba & Tara Morris at 2:39 PM 5 comments
I wish our birthdays could be so much fun and exciting as when we were kids. I remember waking up so excited, what was I going to wear? What was I going to do? What was my mom going to give me as a gift? Where was I going to go out for dinner? Now it is jammies until noon, then maybe a quick happy b-day and off to the kids things! Ya that is ok I dont mind! I love taking my kids to their activities. This year was just that. We bought my favorite cake from Baskin Robbins, my kids got me my favorite game "Pit"! Bubba bought me a camera that I had been waiting for forever. We had a great day. My friends of course are just the best. It was like Christmas morning. I have such great friends. No one could be luckier than I.
Later during the week I went out to dinner with all the gals for a b-day dinner. It was Lisa and Suze's b-day as well. Great times.
Posted by Bubba & Tara Morris at 2:22 PM 3 comments
A friend of mine sent this to me as an email. I thought it would be fun to put it on my blog. Just something to do. It is always fun to get to know someone. So if you would like, cut and paste this and do your own I would love to get to know others too.
Three jobs I have had in my life:
"Chuck e" @ Chuck e Cheeses, Receptionist, Sears CSR
Three places I have lived:
San Diego, Las Vegas, Saratoga Springs
Three shows that I watch
The Office, Secret Lives of an American Teenager,
Three places I have been
Mexico, Canada, Haiti
Three places I have been this week:
Costco, Home Depot, Costco, Last Chance Lake, Costco
Three people who e-mail me regularly
Megan, and every email spam you can imagine
Three of my favorite foods:
Bean Burritos, Pizza, chicken Salad sand.
Three places I'd rather be right now:
Cullens private Island, San Diego, New York City
My three favorite places to shop:
Costco, Nordstom, Target
Posted by Bubba & Tara Morris at 10:05 PM 3 comments