Badge's Game against AF

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ok so I am starting a new trend! Aren't these just the most beautiful shoes you have ever seen. OUCH! I guess the are all the rage in Japan? OK whatever. I cannot even imagine wearing them for a second.


Lisa Erskine said...

Nice shoes! I can barely walk in heels...let alone, walk on my toes! They look like pointe shoes (ballet) with a heel on them. Oh, I hope that never becomes a trend here...I'm for sure out on that one!!

jenn said... thanks! I'll take the legs though. =)

margo said...

Actually, I think Lisa could wear those -- she used to do pointe in ballet didn't she??? Lets get her a pair.

Holly H. said...

That is crazy! Can you imagine? I think I'll stick with flip flops. :)