Badge's Game against AF

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ok so today was mIles 6th Birthday! Ya you might ask "so where is a picture"? Well I am a num nut and forgot to take my SD card out of our lap top before Bubba went out of town. I am so bummed I was only able to take a few pictures of him opening gifts this morning, which I might add the camera ran out of batteries so I had to run to the store. There was only a few pics left on the internal memory of my camera. I was so bummed. Anyways I have come up with an idea, and maybe I should not tell it but oh what the heck...I need to publish a book with all the crazy things moms and dads hear from their children. It would guaranteed be a best seller. Do you ever just wonder what your kids are thinking. So this idea came over the last few days and really came to life when Miles..well let me say a few before I finish! Miles has been asking about when his birthday is since they day after his b-day last year. It is always a ? and then turns into an argument about whose b-day is first. Miles wants to be big just like his brothers. I never thought I would worry about any of my boys being 5 going on 21. You always think of the girls acting that way.... any who, it was quite in the house this morning and I was doing Cali's hair and I can see Miles out of the corner of my eye reach for the TV remote. He grabs it plops himself on the couch and says " ok more 5 year old shows, lets find 6 year old shows" I just giggled. He is so funny with the age thing.
Anyways I am so thankful to have my children they make me smile all day, ok maybe half the day, I am so blessed to have them.


Lisa Erskine said...

Happy Birthday, Miles! He is so cute and funny! My camera has become my new best friend (thanks to blogging). Sorry you're without for a few. You're welcome to borrow mine! :)

jenn said...

Happy Birthday, Miles! Ditto to Lisa's post, you totally could have borrowed mine!

And if you do write a book I would have plenty of great things to add from the mouth of Liv. That one is full of funnies. =)

jenn said...

p.s.- you didn't leave me your e-mail address on your comment...let me know so I can forward you all the fabulousness!

margo said...

I can't believe Miles is 6! Wow --now the tv shows really will change! He is so funny. Lets get the boys together soon!

Anonymous said...

love your blog, the stories about your cute kids are great and I am going to read twilight!

Thank you so much for having us over so we could see the Miles family, you made us feel so welcome despite our late night intruding. Kent and I hope to get together with your family again... and let's plan a time and take the girls out.. let me know if there is a day that works for you, I'm flexible.

jenn said...

Hey there! Check out my blog, I tagged you!

Jennifer said...

Ok Tara- I just realized you left a comment on my blog...that was fun to discover!
Your kids have grown... they are all such cuties! It's so fun to see a 'girl' Morris! She is adorable.
You'll have to let me in on all the native San Diego secrets. I love that city! (We may go back in May.) What are your favorite restaurants??
We live in Surprise, Arizona. It is NW phoenix area. It's been great.. it's a crazy growing area and our ward is great.
I'll probably check your blog again.-- Jen